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Craft Effective AI Prompts to Take Your Wellness Marketing to the Next Level

Craft Effective AI Prompts to Take Your Wellness Marketing to the Next Level

Artificial intelligence (AI) writing tools like ChatGPT offer immense potential for wellness business owners and marketers.

With the right prompts, AI can create optimized blog posts, compelling social media captions, powerful email newsletters, and more.

But writing effective AI prompts is a skill that requires practice. Vague or poorly framed instructions will lead to generic, unusable content from AI tools.

This in-depth post explores the fundamentals of crafting high-quality AI prompts as a wellness entrepreneur or marketer. Follow these tips and examples to get the most from AI content creation and significantly boost your wellness marketing efforts.


In This Article:


Understand How AI Writing Tools Work

Understand How AI Writing Tools Work

Before attempting your first AI-generated content, it’s important to understand what current AI tools can and cannot do. This will set proper expectations when creating and evaluating AI-written material.

AI Tools Don't Actually Understand Language

It's easy to anthropomorphize chatbots like ChatGPT and believe they truly comprehend language, creativity, and human nuance. In reality, today's AI has no real semantic understanding of the words and content they generate.

Instead, these AI tools rely on analyzing massive datasets of human-created content to identify linguistic patterns, correlations, and statistics. ChatGPT was trained on over 570GB of text data including books, websites, and online forums.

Based on these learned patterns, ChatGPT and other AI tools can generate new content that appears coherent, logical, and natural to humans. But the AI has no underlying comprehension of the actual meaning or context of the content.


AI Requires Specific Instructions to Create Quality, Customized Copy

Because AI tools lack true comprehension, they cannot infer specifics or "read between the lines" like a human. That's why providing vague, generalized prompts typically results in equally vague and generic AI-generated content.

To produce high-quality, customized copy, the AI requires very explicit instructions upfront on what you want and how you want it structured and written.

This need for precise prompting is not a limitation of the technology itself. Rather, it demonstrates current AI's reliance on clear human guidance to produce useful results.

And while prompting is a skill that requires practice, it enables wellness businesses to leverage AI for custom content at scale.


Provide Clear, Detailed Wellness Business Prompts

When crafting AI writing prompts, clarity and specificity are critical.

Here are tips for giving AI tools the information they need to generate optimized, on-brand content:


1. Clearly Explain the Content Goals

Start prompts by unambiguously stating what you want the AI to generate, such as:

  • A blog post

  • Social media captions

  • Email newsletter content

  • Landing page copy

  • Advertisement text

  • Website content

  • A press release

  • A set of FAQs

Along with specifying the type of content, provide key details like:

  • The desired length (word count, number of captions/paragraphs, etc.)

  • The tone and style

  • Any additional formatting requirements

  • The purpose and call-to-action

The more details you provide upfront, the better the AI can tailor the results to your needs.


2. Provide Background Context and Direction

In addition to the type of content required, provide the AI with critical background context on what you want written:

  • For a blog post, summarize 2-4 key points to cover or the topic's core information

  • For social media captions, share the product or offering being promoted

  • For newsletter copy, briefly describe the main topic and goal

You can also include links to existing materials as reference for the AI. The more context and direction you give, the better the output.


3. Define Any Relevant Terms and Concepts

Don’t assume the AI inherently understands terminology or concepts specific to the wellness industry or your niche.

To produce optimized content, clearly define any key terms, jargon, ideas, and themes that are crucial for the AI to grasp. This includes:

  • Wellness approaches like meditation, yoga, herbalism, etc.

  • Health conditions or benefits from your offerings

  • Industry or niche buzzwords and lingo

  • Product names and descriptions

  • Company mission, vision, values

  • Details on your unique methodology, recipes, or proprietary approaches

Thoroughly explaining niche concepts ensures the AI generates content tailored to your field and business.


4. Specify the Target Audience

Providing the AI with a detailed description of who the content is for will allow it to craft messaging and tone precisely matched to your readers, customers, or audience.

In your prompts, specify:

  • Demographics - age, gender, income level, etc.

  • Interests & values - what matters to them and motivates them

  • Goals & challenges - what they aspire to and struggle with

  • Buying stage - are they just exploring or ready to purchase?

  • Prior knowledge - are they beginners or industry veterans?

The more audience insights the AI has, the better it can resonate with that specific group.


5. Provide Creative Direction

Give the AI clear creative direction on the desired tone, style, and formatting for the content:

  • Is the tone formal, casual, reserved, enthusiastic, etc.? Use descriptive adjectives.

  • Should the style be humorous, earnest, edgy, inspirational, light, etc.?

  • Do you want bullet points, numbered lists, subheadings, bolded text, etc. to make it scannable?

  • Are emojis, slang, contractions acceptable? Or should language be formal?

  • Does content need an uplifting, positive vibe or is a sadder tone ok?

This level of creative guidance results in content that consistently aligns with your brand voice and needs.


6. Set Clear Content Boundaries

While AI-generated content can be useful, it may also contain problematic elements like biases, misinformation, or improper health claims.

Setting clear boundaries in your prompts helps avoid issues and ensures brand-safe content. For example:

  • Do not include exaggerated or unfounded health claims

  • Do not reference protected categories like race, gender, or religion

  • Do not promote specific products or services by name

  • Do not include subjective opinions or unverified information

  • Do not use inflammatory or offensive language

Establishing these content guardrails upfront reduces the need for heavy edits down the road.


7. Start AI Prompts with a Clear Call to Action

Effective AI writing prompts kick off by clearly telling the tool what content to generate in 1-2 succinct sentences.

For example:

"Write a 500 word beginner's guide blog post on meditation, optimized for SEO and targeting wellness entrepreneurs."

This opening provides critical details in one efficient prompt:

  • The type of content needed (blog post)

  • The length and topic focus

  • The target audience and their interests

  • Key goals like SEO optimization

With just one direct statement, you've supplied the AI with ample context to produce a tailored, high-quality result.

This clear call-to-action removes guesswork and focuses the AI on generating exactly what you require.

When writing the opening prompt, resist throwing in every requirement and piece of direction upfront. First focus on concisely summarizing the content goal and key details.

Additional background and guidance can be provided after this initial prompt.


8. Provide Supplementary Background and Directions

After your opening prompt statement, provide any supplementary details that give the AI helpful guidance and background. Useful additions include:

Relevant Background Resources

Link to or attach existing related content that the AI can reference, like:

  • Relevant blog posts or articles

  • Product descriptions

  • Past social media updates

  • Prior newsletters or emails

  • Your brand guide or one-pager

Reviewing background materials allows the AI to craft on-brand content aligned with your messaging.


9. Bulleted Lists or Paragraphs

For longform content like blog posts, provide a bulleted list of key points to cover, topics to include, examples to use, stats to mention, etc.

Keep lists tight at 3-5 bullets maximum. Avoid long, dense paragraphs.

Creative Direction and Brand Voice Guidance

Give additional instructions on your preferred tone, style, and formatting:

  • Suggestions for wording, phrasing, and language choices

  • Guidance on conveying brand personality with word selection

  • Preferred ways to engage or speak directly to the reader

  • Types of humor, cultural references, idioms, or slang suitable for brand voice

  • Formatting guidance like sentence lengths or text density

Referencing any existing brand voice guidelines or examples of your writing style helps the AI match patterns.


10. Keyword Guidance

Provide a short list of primary keywords and secondary keywords to help optimize content for SEO and searches.

Again, keep supplementary information succinct. Avoid overloading the AI with complex background details upfront.

After assessing the initial content draft, you can then provide additional refinement and feedback to hone in on your needs.


11. Limit Potentially Problematic Content

As discussed above, AI-generated content may include material that is biased, inappropriate, or medically dubious unless boundaries are set.

Get in the habit of proactively avoiding issues by instructing the AI to:

  • Avoid specific conclusions, claims, or generalizations

  • Steer clear of anything potentially offensive or polarizing

  • Not promote particular products, services, or brands

  • Not include unverified information or subjective opinions

  • Omit specific types of problematic language

Establishing these simple ground rules upfront saves time and edits down the road. The AI will become better trained for your brand voice as a result.


12. Refine and Iterate Based on Initial Results

It takes practice to craft AI prompts that consistently produce optimized content perfectly matched to your needs on the first try.

Instead, expect an iterative process of:

  1. Providing initial prompt with requirements

  2. Reviewing the AI-generated draft

  3. Identifying what worked and what needs refinement

  4. Updating the prompt based on feedback

  5. Rerunning the prompt to output new drafts

  6. Repeating steps 2-5 until satisfied

With each iteration, include more details about what specifically you want changed or retained. For example:

"The section on the benefits of meditation was excellent. Please expand it with three more reasons and supporting details. The product recommendations felt out of place - please remove them entirely and focus only on meditation techniques."

Think of refining the AI prompt as molding clay. Each iteration sculpts the output closer to your desired shape.

Over time, as both you and the AI learn from the process, results will become stronger with less tweaking needed.


Apply These Prompt Examples for Wellness Marketing Content

Apply These Prompt Examples for Wellness Marketing Content

Let's look at some fleshed-out prompt examples to make crafting your own easier:

AI Prompt for Wellness Blog Post

Opening prompt:

Write a 500 word beginner's guide blog post on meditation, optimized for SEO and targeting wellness entrepreneurs. Focus on the benefits of meditation and tips for starting a daily practice.

Supplementary details:

  • Summarize evidence on the benefits of meditation like reduced stress and increased focus. Include relevant statistics.

  • Provide 5-7 actionable tips for starting a meditation practice for the first time, including ideal duration and frequency.

  • Include 1-2 examples of simple daily meditation routines for busy entrepreneurs and work-from-home wellness pros.

  • Use informative subheadings and scannable bullet points.

  • Incorporate the following keywords naturally for SEO: meditation, mindfulness, stress relief, wellness entrepreneur, work-life balance.

  • Maintain an encouraging, warm tone that mixes practical advice with inspiration.

  • Focus on meditation techniques only. Do not recommend paid programs, apps, or products.


AI Prompt for Social Media Captions

Opening prompt:

Write a set of 5 Instagram captions for an organic skincare business focused on botanical ingredients and self-care. Captions should sound friendly and upbeat.

Supplementary details:

  • Each caption should be 1-3 sentences max and incorporate emojis.

  • Focus messaging on the benefits of relaxation, self-care, and natural skincare.

  • Do not mention pricing, promotions, or calls-to-action.

  • Avoid using overly complex language. Captions should sound casual.

  • Suggest incorporating terms like "organic," "botanical," "glow", "pamper," and "cozy"


AI Prompt for Email Newsletter Content

Opening prompt:

Draft a 300 word excerpt from an upcoming newsletter for a CBD wellness brand announcing a new botanical blend product. Use an informative yet engaging tone.

Supplementary details:

  • Briefly describe the new product including its purpose, key ingredients, and benefits.

  • Information should educate readers on how the product promotes relaxation and self-care.

  • Use warm yet professional phrasing like "we're pleased to announce..." and "stay well."

  • Do not include pricing, promotions, sales info, or purchase links.

  • Incorporate terms like CBD, hemp, ashawagandha, inflammation, and unwind.

Following templates like these will make creating prompts for your own wellness content far simpler.


Put Your AI Prompts For Your Wellness Marketing to Work

Put Your AI Prompts For Your Wellness Marketing to Work

Crafting well-framed AI prompts is a process, but pays dividends in saving time and providing custom on-brand content on demand.

Remember that today’s AI requires clear instructions and background details to produce high-quality results. Approach prompting as collaborating with the AI, not just delegating busywork to it.

Set expectations that your first few prompts will require refinement. But treat prompt iterations as training the AI to align with your preferred style and brand voice.

With the right approach, AI tools like ChatGPT can handle rote marketing content creation so you can focus fully on your wellness marketing and service clients.

Want to go further with AI content creation? Book a complimentary AI discovery session with Dr Karen Sutherland to discuss customized solutions for your brand.


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Dharana is a Sanskrit word meaning fixed, concentrated attention on a single point without wavering.


We apply this same concept with each client we work with so they can clearly establish and achieve their specific wellness coaching goals. Dharana Digital was formed out of a desire to help businesses not only enjoy effective digital marketing and training, but thrive because of it.

With co-founders from Australia, Bangladesh, and the US, we offer our clients rich international marketing experience. This allows us to craft the perfect message for our coaching clients' target customers, no matter the country.

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Kokoon is a podcast featuring guests who work in the wellness industry. Listen as they share their experiences on how they stay well when they give so much of themselves to others.

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